British Cell Grown Trees - 01948 840120

Heathwood Nurseries Cell Grown Trees, Shrubs & Hedging from British Seed.

Cell Grown Plants

Heathwood Nurseries provide quality cell grown plants to some of the leading Garden Centres, Landscape Gardeners Forestry & Forestry Planting Schemes and Woodland Estates across the UK.

Established for more than 30 years, Heathwood Nurseries grow cell grown trees, shrubs and hedging plants from British seed including containers and field grown stock.

With over 30 years experience of supporting garden centres and landscape gardeners across the country, Heathwood have themselves grown to become one of the favoured suppliers to local authorities, woodland estates and enthusiastic gardeners in the UK.

Plant Healthy

The Plant Healthy scheme - actively encouraging biosecurity in UK woods and forests. The UK imports many plants and timber products that can carry unwanted pests and diseases capable of ravaging our woods and forests. Heathwood along with Plant Healthy encourage active and sustainable management of our forests and woodlands designed to reduce the risk to UK biosecurity.

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Cytisus Scoparius - Broom Cell Grown Plant


Pinus Nigra Corsicana - Corsican Pine


Viburnum Opulus - Guelder Rose


Taxus Baccata - English Yew Cell Grown


Ulex Europaeus - Gorse Cell Grown Plant


Alnus Glutinosa - Common Alder


Castanea Sativa - Sweet Chestnut Cell Grown


Abies Grandis - Grand Fir Cell Grown Conifer


Pseudotsuga Taxifolia - Douglas Fir Cell Grown


Crataegus Monogyna - Quickthorn Cell Grown


Carpinus Betulus - Hornbeam Cell Grown


Malus Sylvestris - Crab Apple Cell Grown Plant


Prunus Padus - Bird Cherry Cell Grown Plant


Picea Pungens Glauca - Blue Spruce Cell Grown


Abies Nordmanniana - Caucasian Fir


Populus Tremula - Aspen Cell Grown Plant


Cornus Alba - Red Barked Dogwood


Corylus Avellana - Hazel Cell Grown Plant


Alnus Incana - Grey Alder Cell Grown


Abies Grandis - Grand Fir Cell Grown Conifer