Commonly Asked Questions of Cell Grown Plants

Q. Can whip sizes (60-90cms) be supplied in cells?
A. The usual sizes grown in British nurseries are up to 40cms for conifers and up to 60cms for broadleaves. There is no perceived advantage in growing conifers (other than Larix species) in cells to sizes greater than 40cms. Larger broadleaved sizes (60-90cms) can be grown, and the nursery will grow these to specification and usually on contract in larger cells.

Q. How are the plants delivered?
A. The cells in which plants are grown usually remain on the nursery. The plants are taken out of the cells and bundled together with the root systems protected by plastic wraps. Variations in the cell sizes used in different nurseries mean that blocks vary in the number of trees contained in a packaging unit – common figures are 15 for broadleaves and 30 for conifers.

Q. Do Cell Grown Trees require special field protection?
A. No. If Cell Grown Trees have been obtained from a reputable nursery they will have been fully hardened. They require no protection other than that which will normally be given to any type of similar sized stock in the particular planting situation.

Q. Can Cell Grown Plants be planted all year round?
A. It is advisable to avoid the period immediately after the young leaves have fully opened in early summer. The plants have a very high water demand at this time of year. Once the waxy cuticles on the leaves have hardened, planting into most soils should be possible – but remember, the plants are not completely drought resistant!